Friday, July 29, 2005

Day 6 Friday Breakfast needed a little something closer to home to started the day Japanese version of American breakfast. Another day of meetings and powerpoints, I am holding on only with knowledge that this is the last day of powerpoints other wise I would look for knife to cut my wrists. I have been drinking coffee like water here to keep awake, I switched to chilled coffee because of the heat and have been drinking BOSS coffee, it caught my eye with the image of Hemingway on it. The coffee is not bad here except for the Starbucks everywhere eight beans and a drop of water burnt. The day ended with a shopping trip to eletronic stores, nothing really to interesting, all my eletronic needs are filled at the moment so I was kind of bored. The group was then taken to a shopping district, I have not seen anything that has caught my eye here to buy. What is cool hip and in style in the majority of the shops were American jeans t-shirts and just anything that is American culture, I thought about buying an I love NY tshirt just tell people I got it in Tokyo. We had a group dinner in an Italian restaurant called Africa, I still can't make the relation but the chopstick were held in an zebra stripped holder. The Italian food only had a loose resemblance to Italian, was ok but not enough to hold one over. Train ride back to the hotel and crashing in to bed


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