Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Day 3 Tuesday the paper reports a typhoon is coming it is raining cats and dog, the low grade sake from last night hurts a little. I hit the noodle bar for breakfast which is playing Hawaiian music noodle bars are ubiquitous in Japan. Jet lagged and a bit hung over and now wet leaves me wishing to go back to bed. The commute is uneventful but I notice I must be the only person in Tokyo without an umbrella and its a bad day to wear white.

The meetings start and are again conducted in Japanese first then translated into English. The Japanese portion seems to me to be a lot of information but when translated its a sentence or two on any subject. I am amazed at the incredibly smart engineers that somebody figured at to manipulate electrical pulses to create images and then shrunk it down. The meetings are running at a very slow pace and it is custom for the present to repeat every line item on the powerpoint, it is taken its toll on us.I believe if there is a purgatory God design it to be a Japanese powerpoint presentation i can feel myself aging. I have drank 8 coffees one ice cream bar and handfuls of M&M candy to stay awake, but some folks just give up and put their heads down.
The day has slowed to a stand still, I have been craving sushi all day I am going to make an attempt to put some in my belly when i get out of the office.

The rain is coming down heavily you can hear it hitting the windows, should a fun walk back tot he hotel.


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